First of all, let me just say this: if cooking isn’t your thing, that’s fine. Fishing isn’t my thing. Nor is CrossFit, or needlepoint. None of these things are likely to change, so I…
Photo Credit: Nathan Nelson, via Flikr I try really hard not to be a food snob. This is because I know that a.) many of our food choices are dependent on our geographical location,…
Today’s Five for Friday features a whole bunch of small-batch recipes. These are perfect for one or two people–sometimes with a modest quantity of leftovers. 1. I used to make sweet potato and black…
As I’m writing this, it’s Sunday afternoon and I’m awaiting the arrival of my daughter. She’s scheduled to have her wisdom teeth removed early tomorrow morning (and, ironically enough, my son is scheduled for…
Making dinner for two isn’t terribly difficult. It’s made easier by focusing the meal on a protein, a veggie and, on occasion, a starch. But desserts for two are a little more tricky, since…
Oh, summer. Specifically, the dog days. That time of year when it’s too hot to cook–even if you’re a person who, like me, enjoys cooking. This meal falls into a category that gets a…