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Mind & Body

  • Five for Friday, June 24: Broken Rules Edition

    This morning, over coffee and the sleepy small talk that alwas accompanies our watching of the Today show, Mike and I were discussing the various fashion rules that have simply disappeared since we were…

  • Just Do Something

    I’m not going to rehash the past week’s events. You already know what happened in Orlando. You have an opinion about why these events took place. You don’t know how to solve the problem…

  • Five for Friday, May 27: Beach Bum Edition

    Well, we’ve finally arrived at the big day: it’s Antigua Eve! Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., assuming all goes according to schedule (which, as we all know, is a huge and hopeful assumption when…

  • Five for Friday, May 6: Good Guys Edition

    I knew from the start that Mike was one of the good guys. How, you ask? It might have something to do with the fact that he immediately tried to be helpful to me–he…