Browsing Category

Mind & Body

  • A Love Letter to Mahin

    Dear Mahin, I don’t know if you remember this, but we met by accident. Jordan and I were scheduled for a haircut with a new stylist, but when we arrived at the salon we…

  • New Directions

    Word of the Year Check-In

    Did you choose a word of the year? Mine is authentic. For the past month, I’ve tried to keep myself focused on the idea of being authentic and living a life that’s truly aligned…

  • Things I Know at 52

    Today’s my birthday–the big 5-2! (Thank you, thank you. Really, applause isn’t necessary.) I’m not the sort of person who freaks out over aging. When I was in my early 30’s, I met and…

  • Five for Friday, January 15

    Well, I made it through my first week back from sabbatical. I decided to count myself a success if I showed up for work appropriately clothed every day (no t-shirts or running pants) and…