I’m six weeks into a new semester, and I am swamped. Not with piles of grading–the point at which things start piling up is just in the offing. And not with the multitude of…
Dear Mahin, I don’t know if you remember this, but we met by accident. Jordan and I were scheduled for a haircut with a new stylist, but when we arrived at the salon we…
I come from a family of hoarders. Not the kind you’re going to see on TV–my mom didn’t save stacks of newspapers or collect stray cats. She did, however, keep dozens of old sheets…
Well, we’ve arrived at the end of the first month of the year–which seems like the right time to check in with the blogging goals I set for myself. 2016 was but a dream…
Did you choose a word of the year? Mine is authentic. For the past month, I’ve tried to keep myself focused on the idea of being authentic and living a life that’s truly aligned…
Today’s my birthday–the big 5-2! (Thank you, thank you. Really, applause isn’t necessary.) I’m not the sort of person who freaks out over aging. When I was in my early 30’s, I met and…
Well, I made it through my first week back from sabbatical. I decided to count myself a success if I showed up for work appropriately clothed every day (no t-shirts or running pants) and…