Big plans for the weekend? The forecast includes lots of rain and cooler temperatures. I’m anticipating lots of movie-watching and pizza-eating, with a splash of crocheting thrown in for balance. All of which is…
Of all the souls in heaven, the two I miss the most are those you see pictured above: my mom and dad. It makes me happy to know they’re in the same place now,…
Tomorrow is Halloween, which freaks me out a little bit–not because of the ghouls and goblins, but because it means another month of the year has zipped past us. Do you ever feel like…
Today would have been my father’s 89th birthday. He passed away in 2011, and though I’ve always thought about him often, I think of him even more frequently since my mom died last summer.…
This morning, my husband sighed heavily and said, “All right, let’s put this week to rest.” I thought that was an excellent suggestion. In that spirit, here are this week’s Five for Friday. Here’s…
As I mentioned in my last post, this is Banned Books Week. That would seem to make this the right time to offer up a Five for Friday dedicated to the topic of censorship.…
How many of you have heard the question How do you do it all? If you’re female and you have a child (or multiple children), I’m guessing you’re raising your hand. I’ve been asked…