Just after Thanksgiving, I read this article–The Myth of the Male Bumbler, by Lilil Loofbourow. It’s a timely piece for many reasons. First, it explodes the stereotype of the guy who doesn’t know the…
In the throes of the holiday season, it’s easy to generalize when you’re asked (over and over again) what you’re thankful for this year. I know I’m prone to saying something like My wonderful…
This is the time of year when people start pondering their new year’s resolutions. As the old year begins to wind down, we start looking ahead at a blank calendar–a whole year filled with…
Last fall, my son asked if he could interview me for a class project. The assignment, as he explained it to me, was to interview “a powerful woman.” It’s hard to turn down a…
Ever since the wave of #Metoo narratives began maing its way across social media, I’ve been having lots of conversations about what “counts” as sexual harassment. It’s probably not surprising that women have a…
When I was younger, I always wondered where those giant family gatherings I saw on TV actually occurred. Certainly not in my own home: my parents lived far from their extended families, which meant…
Not long ago, I learned two new things that have really stuck with me: 1. The ancient Greek word akrasia, which describes our tendency to act against our own best interests. Akrasia is at the…